Sarah IM McDonald Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry Australasia 2023

Sarah IM McDonald

I am an early career reseacher based at the Centre for Troical Water and Aquatic Ecosystem Research (TropWATER) at JCU's Bebegu Yumba campus. My expertise spans the fields of ecotoxicology, freshwater ecology, biological statistics and environmental chemistry. My current research looks towards the application of the national water quality guidelines framework to complex ephemeral environments such as dry streambeds of the wet-dry tropics. Before joining TropWATER my research involved collaborations with ANSTO, IAEA, RMIT University and La Trobe University to determine contaminant dynamics and threshold values in endemic aquatic species. I am the current SETAC AU communications officer and co-chair of the 2023 conference. If you are interested in joining the SETAC AU council for the upcoming 2023-2025 term as a Social Media Officer please come and have a chat. My research takes place on the land and sea country of the Wulgurukaba, Kalkadoon and Gudjal peoples, whose sovereignty has never been ceded.

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